Actual Food Cost Summary

Actual Food Cost Summary

The Actual Food Cost Summary Report serves as a summary of the Actual Food Cost Detail Report. Rather than listing each item, it only lists information for each department/subdepartment. For a more detailed view, please refer to the Actual Food Cost Detail Report within this guide.

Accessing the Report


To access the Actual Food Cost Summary Report:

1. Click on the Menu icon.

2. Hover over Food Cost.

3. Click on Actual Food Cost Summary.

Viewing the Report

1. Select the appropriate unit.

2. Select the countsheet type you wish to use to populate this report. Types include shift, daily, weekly, or monthly.

3. Choose how you want to sort the report using the options in the drop-down menu.

4. After making your selections, click Run to populate your report.

5. To see detailed information pertaining to the Subdepartment, simply double click on the desired Subdepartment within the Actual Food Cost Summary Report.  The associated Actual Food Cost Detail Report will appear (as shown below).

Further Details

1. You can see that after double clicking on the Subdepartment within the Actual Food Cost Summary Report, a new report opened, titled Actual Food Cost Detail.  This report displays detailed information showing how the Actual Food Cost is being calculated for each inventory items within the selected Department and Subdepartment.

2. In this example, the Department selected is Food and the Subdepartment is Frozen Foods.


Updated on August 12, 2016

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