Variance Food Cost Detail

Variance Food Cost Detail

Variance Food Cost refers to the differences between your Actual Food Cost (based on invoices and countsheets) and your Ideal Food Cost (based on product mix and recipes). The Variance Food Cost Detail compares the Actual Food Cost to the Ideal Food Cost for each inventory item to show you any loss or gain in product.

Accessing the Report

Variance Food Cost Detail

To access the Variance Food Cost Detail Report:

1. Click on the Menu icon.

2. Hover over Food Cost.

3. Click on Variance Food Cost Detail.

Viewing the Report

 Variance Detail New


1. Select the proper unit.

2. Select the type of report you’re wanting to view the report for. Options include weekly, monthly, daily, or shift.

3. Select the desired date range.

4. The Show Options feature allows you to select which Departments and Subdepartments appear on the report.

5. The Report Helper feature allows you to view the countsheets and purchases were used to calculate your actual food cost as well as the recipe information responsible for defining your ideal food cost.

6. Actual Usage is the amount of inventory used during the selected date range based off of Countsheets, Purchases, and Transfers.

7. Ideal Usage is the theoretical amount of inventory that should have been used during the selected date range based off of product mix and recipes.

8. Variance Usage is the difference between Actual and Ideal Usage which shows you a gain/loss of inventory for the selected date range.

Show Options

Show Options Edited

1. Department and Subdepartment displays each Department and Subdepartment that have been set up in the Food Cost Configuration.  Hovering over each Department and Subdepartment will provide you with the entire name for each.

2. Show on this Report allows you to select which Departments and Subdepartments are displayed on the selected report.

3. Include in Grand Totals allows you to select which Departments and Subdepartments are used to calculate both the Actual and Ideal Food Cost.

Show Report Helper

Show Report Helper Edited

1. View Beginning Countsheet will open the beginning countsheet used to calculate the Actual Food Cost.

2. View Ending Countsheet will open the ending countsheet used to calculate the Actual Food Cost.

3. View Purchases will pull up the Purchases Report which will display all purchases during the date range selected on the Variance Food Cost Report.

4. View Recipe Editor will populate another window displaying the Recipe Editor.

5. View Menu Items Sold will populate another window displaying the Menu Items Sold Report for the date range selected on the Variance Food Cost Report.

Food Cost Breakdown

 Food Cost Breakdown Edited


The Food Cost Breakdown Report gives you an in-depth breakdown for the selected inventory item.  Simply double click on the inventory item within the Variance Food Cost Detail Report. The above tri-colored breakdown will appear showing the Actual, Ideal, and Variance Food Cost.

1. Actual shows how the Actual Food Cost is calculated for the selected item.

2. Ideal shows how the Ideal Food Cost is being built for the selected item by displaying each Menu Item that contains the selected inventory item and the quantity going into the recipe.

3. Variance shows the difference between the Actual and Ideal Food Cost.


Updated on June 23, 2016

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