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Year of the Dashboard!

The QSRonline Reporting Dashboard is now LIVE!

The reporting Dashboard is available to QSROnline customers subscribed to Full Service or Enterprise Reporting, and is only accessible at my.qsronline.com. The Reporting Dashboard will not be accessible in the desktop “Client” version of our software. To request the Reporting Dashboard to automatically load in your homepage, please contact QSROnline support.


Features of the Future!

The Inventory Weeks on-Hand report begins beta testing this month. This report show you how much inventory you have on-hand, and how long that on-hand inventory will be on your shelves.

The Chat feature in the Labor Scheduling Mobile Apps is currently in beta testing, and will be available soon for employees and managers everywhere!

Attention multi-unit operators! The next two features are for you! The Food Cost Comparison report is also currently in beta testing, and offers a clear view of food cost numbers across all stores in a single report. Compare actual food cost, ideal food cost, variance food cost, and transfers across your stores to identify top performers and outliners.

Next, the Inventory Performance Dashboard is set for release soon as well…and will blow your mind! This report displays everything the Food Cost Comparison report shows, but for multiple locations…with responsive bar graphs for each store at the top!

Stay tuned each month for updates on new QSROnline features and enhancements coming your way!

December Enhancements

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Reach out to us via Email or Phone with any questions you have.

Email: support@qsronline.com

Phone: 877 334-6640

Training Webinars: support.qsronline.com/training-calendar/