Actual Food Cost Detail
The Actual Food Cost Detail Report is an excellent tool for getting an in depth look at your store’s usage. All the data presented in this report is collected from your countsheets, purchases, and transfers. Actual Food Cost Usage for a selected period equals Beginning Count + Purchases +/- Transfers – Ending Count.
Accessing the Report
To access the Actual Food Cost Detail Report:
1. Click on the Menu icon.
2. Hover over Food Cost.
3. Click on Actual Food Cost Detail.
Viewing the Report
1. Select the unit you wish you populate the selected report for.
2. Select the Type of countsheet you wish to use to populate the selected report. Choose from Shift, Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.(Please note that you must have at least 2 countsheets of the selected type entered prior to running the selected report)
3. Select the Date Range you wish to use to view the selected reported. The dates populated in the drop down menu are based off of the countsheet dates
4. Beg # and Beg $ display how much inventory item was on hand at the time of the beginning countsheet.
5. Pur # and Pur $ uses all invoices during the selected date range to populate purchases for each inventory item.
6. Tr In #/$ and Tr Out #/$ uses transfer countsheets to show any transfers in and out of the selected unit for each inventory item.
7. End # and End $ display how much inventory item was on hand at the time of the ending countsheet.
8. Use # , Use $, and Use shows the usage of each inventory item for the selected date range. Usage % is calculated by taking the Beg $ + Pur $ + Tr In $ – Tr Out $ – End $ / Net Sales. The Use % is the Food Cost Percentage for each inventory item.
9. Waste #, Waste $, and Waste % display how much of each inventory item was wasted during the selected date range based off of waste countsheets. Waste is only displayed on the selected report as reference. It is not removed from the usage.
10. The Show Options button allows you to select which Department and Subdepartments appear on the report.
11. The Report Helper button allows you to view the countsheets and purchases were used to calculate your Actual Food Cost.
Show Options
1. Department and Subdepartment displays each Department and Subdepartment that have been set up in the Food Cost Configuration. Hovering over each Department and Subdepartment will provide you with the entire name for each.
2. Show on this Report allows you to select which Departments and Subdepartments are displayed on the selected report.
3. Include in Grand Totals allows you to select which Departments and Subdepartments are used to calculate both the Actual Food Cost.
Report Helper
1. View Beginning Countsheet will open the beginning countsheet used to calculate the Actual Food Cost.
2. View Ending Countsheet will open the ending countsheet used to calculate the Actual Food Cost.
3. View Purchases will pull up the Purchases Report which will display all purchases during the date range selected on the Actual Food Cost Report.
Food Cost Breakdown
The Food Cost Breakdown Report gives you an in-depth breakdown for the selected inventory item. Simply double click on the inventory item within the Actual Food Cost Detail Report. This report will show you how the Actual Food Cost is being calculated for the selected inventory item.