Ingredient Prep Item Recipes

Selecting or Creating a New Ingredient

1. Select Ingredients(Prep Items).

2. Select the box with the Asterisk and enter information for a new ingredient.

3. Select the box with the Black Arrow to view or edit information for an existing ingredient.

Creating a New Prep Item

1. Enter the name of the New Ingredient (Prep Item).

2. Enter the Batch Name for the New Ingredient (Prep Item).

3. Enter the Serving Name

4. Enter the Servings Per Batch for the New Ingredient(Prep Item\P )then press Enter.

Ingredient Added Pop Up

1. A pop up window will appear letting you know the New Ingredient was added. Select OK.

Creating an Inventory Item for Ingredient Prep Item Recipe



1. You will be prompted to create an Inventory Item to represent the New Ingredient just created. Select Yes if you would like to create an Inventory Item for the Ingredient \PRecipe to be counted on Inventory Countsheets.

2. Select No if you do not wish a create an Inventory Item.


Creating Inventory Item ID and Description

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1. Enter a unique Inventory Item ID for the Ingredient.

2. Description will auto populate based of the name of the Ingredient (Prep Item).   ING- will automatically be added to the front of the description to identify that this Inventory Item is an Ingredient Prep Item\P Recipe.

3.  Once you’ve created a unique Inventory Item ID and Description for the new Inventory Item, click the Next button at the bottom of your screen.

Selecting Department and Subdepartment

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1. Select Create Department Ingredients/Ingredients if one does not already exist. All Ingredient Prep Item \PRecipes must be assigned to the Ingredients/Ingredients Department and Subdepartment to eliminate any usage issues on the Food Cost Reports.

2. Choose the Ingredients/Ingredients Department from the drop down menu if one already exists.

3. Click the Next button at the bottom of your screen to continue.

Determining Units of Measure

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1. The Show on Reports section allows users to select which unit of measure will be used to document usages within the food cost reports.

2.The Show on Countsheets section allows user to select which unit of measures \Pwill be listed on countsheets for inventory counting purposes.

3. The Main Unit of Measure and Smallest Unit of Measure will auto populate for (ING- CARAMELIZED ONIONS based off of the Ingredient \PBatch Name, as well as Serving Name and Servings Per Batch that were created in the Recipe Editor.

4. Once you’ve keyed in your units of measure and determined which units of measure will be shown on reports and countsheets, you are ready for the next step. Click on Next button at the bottom of the screen.

Selecting Locations

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1. Select the locations in which the Inventory Item being created can be found in.  For this example, ING- CARAMELIZED ONIONS will be stored in the LINE location, as displayed by the check mark next to LINE.

2. Click the Next button to move to the next step for creating a new inventory item.

Selecting Countsheets

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1. Here, you will have the option of selecting which Countsheets the new inventory item will appear on. You have the option of showing the new item on your Shift Countsheet, Daily Countsheet, Weekly Countsheet, Monthly Countsheet, and Waste Tracker.

2. Click the Next button at the bottom of the screen.

Reorder Levels

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The Reorder Levels do NOT need to be entered at this time. Please contact support if you have any questions regarding Reorder Levels.

Is the Item Equivalent?

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1. Skip this step. Click the Next button to move on to the next step.

Summary/Editing Window

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This is the final step in creating a new inventory item. Each step that you just completed is summarized in the window shown above. If you notice any errors, you can click on the Edit button next to the section needing corrections. Once you’ve reviewed the information in this screen, and it appears to be correct, click the Finish button to complete the inventory item creation process.

Building Ingredient Prep Item Recipe


1. Select the box next the Ingredient Name to select the Ingredient \PRecipe you would like to create.

2. Choose Add Inventory Item to add your first Inventory Item to the Ingredient \PRecipe.

Adding Inventory Items to Ingredient Prep Item Recipes

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1. Search for the Inventory Item by typing the name in the Filter box.

2. Select the Inventory Item you wish to add to the Ingredient Recipe.

3. Select OK to add the selected Inventory Item to the Ingredient \PRecipe.

Editing Inventory Item Quantity in Recipe Editor


1. Select the Unit of Measure you wish to use from the drop down menu.

2. Enter the Quantity of the selected Inventory Item you wish to add to the Ingredient Recipe.

For this example, the Unit of Measure selected is OZ and the Quantity in Recipe is 32.  To summarize, we are adding 32 Ounces of Onion Jumbo Yellow to the Ingredient \PRecipe CARAMELIZED ONIONS.

3. Choose Add Inventory Item to add your next Inventory Item to the Ingredient \PRecipe.

*You will repeat these steps until the Ingredient Recipe is complete.


Deleting Inventory Items from an Ingredient Recipe


1. Select the Ingredient Recipe that needs corrections.

2. Choose the Inventory Item from within the Ingredient Recipe you wish to delete.  Once you have selected the Inventory Item, hit the Delete button from your keyboard. (This will not work for anyone using the QSROnline Client on an Apple Mac running Virtual Windows because the keyboard functions are different.)

3. The Delete Row window will populate to confirmation the Row Deletion. Select Yes if you would like to delete the selected Inventory Item or select No to cancel.

4. Click Save once you are done.


Copy from Ingredient


Copy from Ingredient allows you to copy one Ingredient Recipe to another Ingredient Recipe.

1. Select the Ingredient Recipe you would like to “COPY” an Ingredient Recipe to.  For this example, we are building the Ingredient Recipe for CAESAR SALAD.

2. Choose Copy from Ingredient at the bottom of the screen.

3. Choose the Ingredient Recipe you would like to “COPY” to the selected Ingredient Recipe.  The Ingredient Recipe being copied in this example is SALAD MIX.

4. Enter the number of Servings you want to add to the selected Ingredient Recipe.  We will be adding 40 SERVINGS of SALAD MIX to the Ingredient CAESAR SALAD.

5. Select Add.

*Once the Ingredient SALAD MIX is copied to the Ingredient CAESAR SALAD, the inventory items within the Ingredient SALAD MIX can be edited or adjusted for the selected Ingredient Recipe.

Add Ingredient


Add Ingredient allows you to add an Ingredient Recipe to another Ingredient Recipe.

1. Select the Ingredient Prep Item\P Recipe you would like to “ADD” an Ingredient Recipe to.  For this example, we are building the Ingredient Recipe for JALAPENO RANCH.

2. Choose Add Ingredient at the bottom of the screen.

3. Select the Ingredient Recipe you would like to “ADD” to the selected Ingredient Recipe.  The Ingredient Recipe being copied in this example is RANCH DRESSING.

4. Enter the number of Servings you want to add to the selected Ingredient Recipe.  We will be adding 128 OZ SERVINGS of RANCH DRESSING to the Ingredient Recipe JALAPENO RANCH.

5. Select Add.

*Once the Ingredient RANCH DRESSING is added to the Ingredient JALAPENO RANCH, the inventory items within the Ingredient RANCH DRESSING cannot be edited or adjusted for the selected Ingredient Recipe.

Deleting Ingredient Recipe from an Ingredient Recipe


1. Select the Ingredient Recipe that needs corrections.

2. Choose the Ingredient Recipe from within the Ingredient Recipe you wish to delete.  Once you have selected the Inventory Item, hit the Delete button from your keyboard.(This will not work for anyone using the QSROnline Client on an Apple Mac running Virtual Windows because the keyboard functions are different.)

3. The Delete Row window will populate to confirm the Row Deletion. Select Yes if you would like to delete the selected Inventory Item or select No to cancel.

4. Click Save once you are done.

Ingredient Recipe Saved


1. Select Save after you are finished creating or editing the Ingredient \PRecipe.

2. A Saved Pop Up window will appear confirming the Ingredient Recipe saved.


Updated on December 12, 2017

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