Menu Item Tracking


Accessing Menu Item Tracking


To access Menu Item Tracking:

1. Click on the Menu icon.

2. Hover over Sales.

3. Click on Menu Item Tracking.

Adding a Group


Menu Item Groups allow you to track specific categories of items, such as beverage promos. You can also set the groups’ statistics to be sent to you via email. To add a new group:

1. Click the Add Group button.

2. In the window that appears above, key in the new group name.

Adding the Group to Emailed Reports


If you would like to receive emailed reports detailing the group’s sales stats, follow the steps below:

1. Add “-email” to the group’s name with no spaces. In this example, the group’s name changed to Beverage Promos-email. This value tells QSROnline that you would like the group added to emails.

2. Click the OK button to save your new group that you will receive emailed updates for.

Editing a Group


You may edit a group’s name by:

1. Selecting the group needing editing.

2. Click on the Edit Group button.

3. Make the desired changes within the Edit group window.

4. Click OK to save changes.

Removing a Group


To remove a group entirely:

1. Select the group you’re wishing to delete.

2. Click on the Remove Group button.

3. Select Yes to remove the group. Select No to cancel the request.

Adding Items to a Group


To add items your new group:

1. Click the Add Item button.

2. Use the Filter feature to search for specific items to add to the group.

3. Once you’ve found an item you wish to add to the group, click on the item, highlighting it in blue.

4. Click the OK button to add the item to the group.

Removing Items from a Group


To remove an item from a group:

1. Select the group.

2. Select the item needing to be removed from the goup.

3. Click on the Remove Item button.

Subscribing to the Menu Item Tracking Report


If you added a group to appear on emails for tracking purposes, you will need to subscribe to the correct emailed report in order to receive data.

To access emailed reports:

1. Click on the Menu icon.

2. Hover over Company.

3. Click on Email Reports.

Selecting the Appropriate User(s)


1. Select the user that you are wishing to subscribe the menu item tracking email report to.

2. Click the Add New Subscription button.

Setting Delivery Times


Within the Emailed Reports window:

1. Check the box next to Sales.

2. The menu item tracking report is named Top Selling menu Items – By Sales $. Click on the report.

3. Select the unit or area that the report should cover, with regards to the selected user.

4.  Select the number of days back worth of data you would like to show on the report. Also, check the box next to Show Menu Item Tracking Only. This ensures that the selected user will receive the report with the Tracked Menu Items for Groups set to be included in emailed reports.

5. Using the checkboxes, select the desired delivery days for the emailed report. Also, select the report’s delivery time.

6. To save the emailed report subscription, click on the Save button.




Updated on June 23, 2016

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