Adding a Department
Locate the Food Cost Configuration Icon
Log in to the QSROnline Client, and click on the Food Cost Configuration icon (the hamburger) within the menu bar, located at the top of your screen.
Adding Departments/Subdepartments
1. Select the Departments tab to add a new department and/or subdepartment
2. You will notice that lowest row in the list of departments has an asterisk next to it on the far left. This signifies the row in which you can create the new department. Simply click on that row to highlight it in blue, as shown. Then, click in the first box within the highlighted row, which is under the Department heading. Here, you will type in the new department name. To the right of the Department box is the Subdepartment box, in which the new subdepartment should be keyed in.
3. Once you’ve completed adding a new department and/or subdepartment, click the save button at the bottom right of your screen.
Editing a Department
Within the Departments tab in the Food Cost Configuration window, select and highlight (in blue) the department from the list that you are wishing to edit. Double click the department name within the selected row, and you can type or edit the department name and the subdepartment name.
Adding a Location
Adding & Editing Locations

1. Within the Food Cost Configuration window, select the Locations tab.
2. Type the new location’s name(s) in the empty Location boxes. Please note that if you only need to add one new location, it should be entered in the next sequential Location box. For example, if you were to enter a new location into the company shown above, it should be entered in the Location 11 box.
3. Once you’ve keyed in your new location(s), click the Save button at the bottom of your screen.
To EDIT a Location:
You can edit the name of a specific location by simply clicking in its box and typing any changes to its name. However, if you need to change the order of locations, such as switching the names of Locations 1 and 2, please contact QSROnline support. Changing the order of your locations will affect your mapping and can result in incorrect data documentation.