User Editor (Website)

The “User Editor” will display all users created (both active or inactive). The “User Editor” is also where new users are created. There is no limit on the number of users that can be created.

How to Access the User Editor

To access the “User Editor” click on Menu > Company > User Editor.






The “User Editor” view defaults to “Show Enabled Users.” In the upper right-hand corner, the view can be changed to “Show Disabled Users” or “Show All.”  

From this screen, the username, email, first name, last name, role and access will be shown. To search for a user, enter the desired name, email, or username in the filter box in the top left-hand corner.

Creating a New User


  • Click the “Create New User” button at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Fill in the unique username, email address (where the activation email and password reset emails will be sent), and the first and last name for the new user.
  • By default, a new user is listed as enabled.
  • Select the role or security access for the user from the drop-down box. If a user needs a customized role, the role must be created in the Role Editor before it can be assigned a user.
  • Each user will also be able to be assigned access to a location, area, or full company.  
  • Clicking the “Add User” button will send the activation Instructions email inviting the user to set their password.
  • To cancel “Add User”, click the “Cancel” button.

Editing an Existing User


  • Click the pencil icon next to the username to “Edit User”.


  • Update details for the user. (Usernames can not be edited once created)
  • If the user has forgotten their password, click “Resend Activation Instructions” to invite them to reset their password.
  • Once updates are complete, click the “Update User” button.

Disabling an Existing User


  • Click the pencil icon to the left of the username.

  • Uncheck the “Enabled” box.
  • Click the “Update User” button.

User Setup Email

Each user will receive an email with the subject “Welcome to QSROnline User Setup”. To set their password they will need to click the account activation link. Once their password is set they can log in at with the username and password.


Why do I receive the error “Username is already taken, when I do not have a user created with the name?
QSROnline usernames must be unique across all companies. The username selected is already in use by another customer. Please choose an alternate username.
Why did I not receive my activation email?
If you have not received your activation email, please have your QSROnline company administrator Resend Activation Instructions. If you are the administrator and have resent instructions, but the user has not received the email, please check the user’s email address for accuracy and/ or have the user check their spam/junk email. If these do not resolve the issue, please call the Help Desk at (877) 334-6640 or open a Help Desk ticket at
What if a user is promoted and needs a new role?
Click the edit icon next to the user and click the existing role. In the drop down select the new role appropriate for the responsibilities. Click OK to finish the selection. Click the “Update User” button to save. The next time the user logs in they will have updated access.
Why does a report or countsheet show last edited by a user but they have confirmed they have not edited it?
Each user who has access to QSROnline may have their own unique user. Please ensure the user has not shared their password. If the password has been share you may resend activation instructions so they can choose a new password or have them update their password in the Menu, scroll down to Company, and click Edit User Profile.


Updated on April 6, 2023

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