Web Based Countsheets give you the ability to create custom countsheets that are unique to each individual restaurant. Each restaurant will be able to organize their countsheets in a Sheet to Shelf manner which will cut the amount time spent on counting inventory in half.
How to Access
- Go to my.qsronline.com/
- Enter your QSROnline Username\Password and then select Login.
- To access “Countsheets”, select Menu > Food Cost > Countsheets or use the “Countsheets” quick link at the top of the QSROnline page.
Browse Countsheets
- You can browse existing “Countsheets” by “Unit”, “Date”, or “Type”.
- Select an area or specific unit.
- The date automatically defaults to the Last two weeks.
- Date picker allows you to view “Countsheets” for a selected business period or date range.
- The date automatically defaults to the Last two weeks.
Type allows you to browse “Countsheets” by “Countsheet Type”.
- Daily: Tracks inventory on a daily basis.
- Weekly: Tracks inventory on a weekly basis.
- Monthly: Tracks inventory on a monthly basis.
- Shift 1, 2, & 3: Tracks inventory between shifts during a single business day
- Transfer: Used to account for inventory transferred between units.
- Waste: Used to account for waste.
Open Existing Countsheet
- There are 2 different ways to open an existing “Countsheet”.
- Select “Open” next to the “Countsheet” you are wanting to view.
- Double Click the row of the “Countsheet” you are wanting to open.
- There are 2 different ways to open an existing “Countsheet”.
Creating New Countsheet
- Select “Add New”.
- Unit: Admins have the ability to create “Countsheets” for multi units. Users will only have access to their specific unit.
- Countsheet Type: Select the type of “Countsheet” you are wanting to create.
- Date: You can select the date for a Shift, Daily, Waste, and Transfer “Countsheet”.
- “Monthly Countsheet” are automatically dated to the beginning of your period.
- “Weekly Countsheet” are automatically dated to the begin of your work week.
Organizing for First Use
Editing “Countsheets” has never been this easy. Simply “Add”, “Remove”, and “Organize” Inventory Items and Locations directly from the “Countsheet”.
Adding/Deleting Locations
- The “Pencil” icon gives you the ability to edit the existing “Location Name”.
- The “Blue Plus Sign” gives you the ability to create a “New Location”. An example of this is to create “Shelves” within the Walk In Cooler to give the “Countsheet” a Sheet to Shelf concept.
- The “Red X” gives you the ability to “Delete” a “Location” from the “Countsheet”.
These are great features for multi unit companies that may have “Locations” that differ between their restaurants.
- The “Green Plus Sign” gives you the ability to “Add” inventory items to the selected “Location”.
Adding/Deleting Inventory Items
- The “Green Plus Sign” gives you the ability to “Add” inventory items to the selected “Location”. Yes, it’s that easy!
- The “Red X” within the row of the Inventory Item gives you the ability to “Delete” items from the “Countsheet”. This comes in handy when you have multiple restaurants that don’t always carry the same products. Only count inventory items that your restaurant carries.
Change Countsheet Order
- You can easily arrange your “Countsheet” in a Sheet to Shelf concept by dragging and dropping “Locations” and “Inventory Items” into a specific order that matches the way you count inventory. This will eliminate walking back and forth between locations while counting inventory, saving you tons of time.
Uncategorized Item
- The “Uncategorized Items” category consists of inventory items that have been marked to display on the specific “Countsheet Type” and must be added to their appropriate category. Drag and Drop each item into the appropriate category. Select “Save” when this has been completed.
Entering Countsheet
- Now that your “Countsheet” has been designed to match your specific restaurant, it’s time to start counting! Visit the Google Play or Apple App Stores and download the QSROnline Counting App. No need for a clipboard and pencil anymore! Count inventory directly from your mobile phone or tablet!