Please note: The QSROnline Software, also known as The Client, is a Windows based application and cannot be installed on other platforms. Please see the following help guide if you are using a mac.
The Client program is used to view restaurant metrics like sales, food cost, and labor information at any point in time. It can be installed onto any business or personal Windows based computer with internet access.
Downloading the Client
1. To start the downloading process, navigate to the following website in your internet browser:
The webpage will look like it does below.
.Net Framework 2.0 (x86) and Visual C++ Runtime Libraries (x86) are two Microsoft Windows programs that are required to already be installed on the computer before installing the Client. If the computer is often being updated through Windows Update, then these programs should already be installed.
2. Pressing launch will go through the install without checking for the prerequisite sites. Pressing the Install button will install the prerequisite sites (if they aren’t installed already), and then start the download process.
3. Click on the setup.exe file in the queue.After the launch/install button is pressed, the pop-up window below will appear prompting you to save the client setup file.
The application will begin to verify if all required programs are on the machine to begin installing.
4. On the next pop-up that appears, click Run.
5. Once it is finished running, the application in ready to be installed. Press Install.
The loading bar signifies the percentage at which the program is installing, and may take several minutes depending on the internet speed.
When the install is complete the downloading pop-up will disappear, and the Client program will automatically open up to the login screen. Once the login screen is up, the Client is now ready to be used.
Note: A Client icon will also automatically be added to the desktop.