The “Account Settings” page provides the user with quick access to update their personal information.
How to access Account Settings
Click on Menu > Company > Account Settings.
On the “Account Settings” page, the current user can see and edit their user information as well as change/update their current security settings.
User Information
This box will display the name and email address of the person currently logged in. The “Edit User Information” provides the ability to update the following:
- First name
- Last name
- Email address
Please remember to save and close if updates are made.
The “Change Password” link will provide the user with quick access to change their password.
How do I change my username?
Your username can not be changed. Please contact the QSROnline Administrator for your company for assistance. The amount of users per company is unlimited. The current username may be disabled and then a new username may be created. Please see the User Editor help guide for more information on creating and disabling users.
How do I turn off 2-Step Verification?
If this additional level of security was turned, the user will have to log in to the website using 2-Step Verification first in order to go back to Account Settings and then turn it off. If you are unable to pass through the second verification step to complete the Login, contact the Help Desk at (877) 334-6640 or open a Help Desk ticket by emailing
Why is there an error or timeout message appearing on my screen?
Your session may have timed out. Please login again.